
Osmanli Nakşibendiyiz
We are the Ottoman Naksibendi
Osmanlı Nakşibendiyiz, Allah Allah
We are Ottoman Naksibendis, Allah Allah
Hakkani erleriyiz, Allah Allah
We are the Hakkani soldiers, Allah Allah
Hasbi Rabbi celAllah, Allah Allah
My lord is enough for me, Glory be to Allah, Allah Allah
Nur Muhammed sallAllah, Allah Allah
The light of Prophet Muhammd, Peace be upon him, Allah Allah
Nakşibendi pirimiz, Allah Allah
Our Pir is Nakshibendi, Allah Allah
Hakk’in askerleriyiz, Allah Allah
We are the soldiers of Hakk, Allah Allah
Kul hu Allahu Ahad, Allah Allah
He is Allah, the One and Only, Allah Allah
Lem yelid ve lem yuled, Allah Allah
He begetheth not, nor is He begotten, Allah Allah
Osmanlılar geliyor, Allah Allah
The Ottomans are coming, Allah Allah
Hakkaniler geliyor, Allah Allah
The Hakkanis are coming, Allah Allah
Şeyh Nazım müridiyiz, Allah Allah
We are murids of Shaykh Nazim, Allah Allah
Dergâhin gülleriyiz, Allah Allah
We are the roses of the Dergah, Allah Allah
Mafi Kalbi gayrullah, Allah Allah
There is nothing in my heart except Allah, Allah Allah
Lâ ilâhe illAllah, Allah Allah
La ilaha illAllah, Allah Allah
Şeyh Nazım mürşdimiz, Allah Allah
Our Murshid is Shaykh Nazim, Allah Allah
Küfrün Fatihleriyiz, Allah Allah
We are the conquerors of Kufur, Allah Allah
Allah Allah ya Samed, Allah Allah
Allah Allah the eternal, Absolute, Allah Allah
Lehu kufuvehen Ahad, Allah Allah
And there’s none like unto Him, Allah Allah
Küfrün sona eriyor, Allah Allah
Kufur is ending, Allah Allah
Dünya nizam buluyor, Allah Allah
The world will find Divine Order again, Allah Allah.