
Ötme Bülbül
Don’t Sing Nightingale
İsmi Sübhân virdin mi var?
Do you make your Awrad? Proclaiming Allah’s glorious name?
Bencileyin derdin mi var?
Are you in grief, endless grief, just like me?
Ötme bülbül ötme bülbül
Do not sing, O nightingale don’t sing!
Benim derdim bana yeter
My own sorrow is enough for me,
Bilirim âşıksın güle
I know you are in love with the rose,
Bahçedeki gonca güle
Compare it to the rose bud yet to blossom,
Bilirim âşıksın verde
I know how infatuated you are with the rose,
Şu sinemde olan derde
Compare it now to the pain in my heart,
Pervaz olup uçarmısın
Do you open your wings wide and fly?
Bencileyin nâçarmısın?
Or are you helpless like me?
A bülbülüm uslumusun
My nightingale, how do you fare?
Bencileyin yaslımısın?
Or are you in mourning like me?
Yûnus vücûdun pâk ederken
Yunus says your spirit is white and pure,
Seher vakti “Hakk Hakk” derken
Calling “Hakk, Hakk” during Fajr,
Bahçelerde yurdun mu var?
Do you have a well-built home in the gardens?
Garib garib ötme bülbül
Do not sing forlorn O nightingale!
Derdi derde katma bülbül
Do not add to my sorrow O nightingale,
Bir de sen dert katma bülbül
Do not add more to my burden O nightingale.
Gülün halinden kim bile
Who knows the state of the rose?
Dolaşıp söz atma bülbül
Do not fly around it and tease it O nightingale.
Cünunum var gayet serde
Your mind mad with nothing but its love,
Bir de sen dert katma bülbül
Do not add more discomfort O nightingale.
Denir derya geçermisin?
Do you soar over the seas and oceans?
Sen de hâlin söyle bülbül
Trapped, tell me about your state O nightingale.
Kafeslerde beslimisin?
Are you fed in the cages?
Garib garib ötme bülbül
Do not sing forlorn O nightingale!
Cihanda mislin yok derken
He says you are all He needs in the world,
Bizi de unutma bulbul
Do not forget about us O nightingale.